Our program and daily activities

Our program:

-Our program is best suited for - but not limited to - ages of 2.5 to 5 year olds.

-I provide an English Fun & play-based program with integrated structured learning activities for that age group, plus an introduction to the French language.

-I have a year round curriculum with weekly numbers, letter, shape, colour and Theme. That we would integrate into all our daily activities.

-We work on learning and sharpening crucial developmental skills for preschoolers such as:

  •  Language skills through pre-reading, pre-writing, writing, listening, reading comprehension, letters recognition, phonics, name recognition, rhyming, and vocabulary.

  •  Mathematics skills through numbers recognition, measuring, logic, counting, rhythm, shapes, sorting, matching, ordering, comparing, calendar knowledge, telling time, ordinal numbering, addition, subtraction, division, and patterning.

  • Science knowledge skills through colours, classifying, prediction , knowledge, problem solving, and recognizing the five senses.

  • Social skills through basic life skills, self-awareness, following simple directions, cooperation, sharing, giving , and public speaking.

  • Physical ability skills through  fine motor activities( including sensory play through a weekly program of Play dough activities, sand, other sensory materials, experiments, and baking activities related to the weekly theme) gross motor activities (structured weekly program of zumba, yoga, and aerobics lessons plus a weekly random activity) hand and eye coordination (structured weekly music lesson) in addition to free indoor and outdoor play time.

  • Other skills through object discrimination, left and right recognition, memory, creativity, dramatic play, position vocabulary, map reading.

- We have weekly theme, letter,  numbers, colour, and shape.

-We have daily circle time and that is when we learn about the calendar, the time and the weather plus a show and tell each Friday with our letter/colour of the week. And a story time that compliments our weekly themes.

-We have a daily art or craft time that is related to our weekly theme, letter, shape...etc.

Sample of Crafts ( weekly theme:Fall)
learning about the numbers 75 & 76
learning about the letter L

learning about the BLUE colour
learning about the OVAL shape

learning about the FALL the weekly theme

-We have Absolutely no TV at anytime, I would prefer that you as a parent would give them the amount of screen time that you are comfortable with at your own discretion.

-On special occasions and birthdays, I love to celebrate Birthdays and special occasions with the little ones. On birthdays we have a cake, a gift, and a party and take lots of photos.

What we do through our day:

-Our regular day starts at 7:00 am and ends at 6:00 pm, Although I am flexible on the time and would accommodate part-time and drop ins needs.

-Our day starts with arrival, washing, and sharing breakfast together.

- We then have some free Outdoor play before it gets too sunny and that is if the weather permits, if not we would have our outdoor time in the afternoon.

-And then have some learning activities trying to practice our weekly theme, letter, shape...etc.

Sample of a learning activity ( weekly theme: Thanksgiving)

learning about the numbers 79 & 80

learning about the letter N

learning about the colour GREEN

learning about the PENTAGON shape

learning about the THANKSGIVING the weekly theme

-After that, we wash and share an AM snack over a board game or a simple activity.

-Then it is circle time with an introduction to our daily craft.

- We then try to make a craft together or come up with a unique art work and practice some skills like painting, gluing,  scissors grip...etc.

-After we are done, we wash again and get ready for our Lunch time.

-Then it is our story time, and we normally have a story or two that are related to our weekly theme.

-And now if any child is feeling a bit tired I definitely help them to have a nap time, but if not then they can have some quiet time with some activities that I would prepare for them to relax but keep busy till their friends are up and we can practice some fine motor skills and have some fun with sensory play.

-After that we wash and share our PM snack together.

-And finally, we have our structured gross motor activity in addition to some indoor free play time, that is if we have already had our outdoor play time in the morning. if not then we switch and have it in the afternoon.

And although We do have a schedule but it definitely is not strict, it is always a little flexible to be led with what the little ones would feel like doing at a certain time of the day.

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